Scholarship and Subsidy Programs

Scholarship and Subsidy Info & Application

The following information is for scholarships and subsidies to the LASER After-school program.  If you are interested in a scholarship for the Laurelhurst ASE classes, please visit our ASE page.

LASER is committed to making our programs affordable. We realize there may be circumstances where payment of the entire fee is a hardship. We strive to make our programs available to as many children as possible, given our available and limited resources.

We accept DSHS, City of Seattle, Goodwin Connections and Child Care Aware subsidies for our after-school program and day camp. 

Please see the contact information below for information on eligibility.

Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)


Customer Service Call Center: 1-877-501-2233

Bryant Provider number: 476000

Laurelhurst Provider number: 452963

City of Seattle—Human Services Dept. Child Care Assistance Program


Customer Service Call Center: 206-386-1050

Bryant ASA number: 9663

Laurelhurst ASA number: 9228

Best Starts for Kids - King County


Childcare Aware of America - Military Families

For new military families who do not already have a file with Parent Services Department, please call (800)-424-2246 and select extension 977 (Army) or 340 (Non-Army). Our Provider ID is 9007434.

Apply for LASER Scholarship