Daily Routine Questions:
Do you provide homework help?
LASER offers 30 minutes of homework time each day in our after-school program. Staff are available during this time to support children with questions on their homework. However, LASER is not able to provide tutoring services.
Do you provide snacks?
In our after-school program, LASER provides two afternoon snacks: one around school dismissal time and the other around 5:00 pm.
On camp days, LASER provides a morning snack around 8:00 am and an afternoon snack around 3:00 pm.
Do you provide lunch on camp days?
While LASER provides a morning and afternoon snack, parents should pack a non-perishable, nut-free lunch for their child on camp days as LASER does not provide lunch. If you forget to pack lunch for your child (and are unable to bring one), we charge $15 to provide lunch.
Please note that LASER is a nut-free program. If you pack a lunch that includes nuts, your child is not able to eat it at LASER. We will keep the lunch you provided in our kitchen and give back to you at pick up time. We will provide a lunch for free if it’s the first time, and we charge $15 if repeated.
Can my child do both LASER and after-school enrichment classes?
Yes, children that are enrolled at LASER in the afternoon can attend LASER after their Bryant ASE or Laurelhurst LEAPs classes. Their enrichment class teacher should bring them over to LASER and sign them in at the end of class. We are unable to prorate LASER tuition for missed LASER time due to the enrichment classes. If you do sign up for classes on a day your child attends LASER, please email your LASER site to let us know.
For Bryant families, please email bryant@laserchildcare.org.
For Laurelhurst families, please email laurelhurst@laserchildcare.org.
However, if your child is taking the minibus from Bryant to Laurelhurst, your child would not be able to take the ASE classes and get transportation to Laurelhurst as the minibus leaves just after school dismissal.
What should I do when my child is sick or will be absent from the program?
For Bryant families, please email bryant@laserchildcare.org or call (206) 525-9160.
For Laurelhurst families, please email laurelhurst@laserchildcare.org or call (206) 523-3123.
We are unable to prorate tuition for absences due to illness, vacation, suspension, etc.
I’m not able to pick up my child; can I have someone else pick them up?
Yes, you can authorize anyone you’d like to pick up your child as long as they are over 18 years old. Please email or call LASER to let us know and tell the pick-up person to bring their photo ID with them.
For Bryant families, please email bryant@laserchildcare.org or call (206) 525-9160 to let us know the full name of the authorized pick up person.
For Laurelhurst families, please email laurelhurst@laserchildcare.org or call (206) 523-3123 to let us know the full name of the authorized pick up person.
Can you provide transportation from my child’s school to LASER or my home?
No transportation is currently available. Transportation must be arranged independently if your children does not attend the school at which the registered LASER site is located.
Registration/Cancellation Questions
How can I find out about upcoming camps, Parent Night Outs, or registration dates?
Please visit our Upcoming Events Page for more info and/or register. You may also sign up for our Newsletter to stay informed.
Do you have space in your after-school program?
Currently, both Bryant and Laurelhurst have availability for children to join our wonderful programs. If you would like more information, please email bryant@laserchildcare.org, or laurelhurst@laserchildcare.org speak with one of our Program Directors
Can my child attend camp and/or Parent Night Out if they don’t attend LASER regularly?
All children ages 5 to 12 are eligible to attend Parent Night Outs and camps. One must register for these programs through the Registration Page and provide any additional medical and emergency contact information.
What is your cancellation policy?
LASER requires a four-week notice by email for any cancellations or changes of schedule in our after-school and summer camp program. If it is past the four-week deadline, you will be charged pro-rated tuition to cover the days up until the end of the cancellation period.
For school-year day camps, the cancellation deadline is one week before the start of camp. If the cancellation deadline has passed, you will be charged the full amount of camp.
How can I register for care?
Please visit the Registration Page for your desired program to sign up. You should receive an automated confirmation email once your registration has been received. In addition to the online registration, a payment of a new student registration fee ($100) and deposit (equal to a month’s tuition) is due.
Can I do drop-in care?
At present, we are unable to accommodate drop-in care at our Bryant location.
If you are interested in drop-in care at Laurelhurst, please email laurelhurst@laserchildcare.org to see if we are able to accommodate you as availability is limited. Please do NOT drop-off any children until you have received a confirmation phone call or email from us. If we have space, the cost of care is $40 per child per afternoon; $50 on early release days.
Payment Questions
How much is tuition?
Please visit our Tuition and Fees Page to see the current monthly tuition.
Will I get a refund or credit for any absences or missed days?
If your child is absent due to illness, vacation, suspension, etc., no tuition credits nor makeup days will be given.
The monthly fee is computed based on the number of school days in the year and divided by the ten months of school. No prorates are given, regardless of the days scheduled in a given month or your children’s actual attendance.
Do you accept DSHS or other subsidies?
Yes, we accept DSHS and City of Seattle subsidies for our after-school program and day camp. Our provider numbers are as follows:
Bryant: 476000
Laurelhurst: 452963
Please see the contact information below for information on eligibility.
Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)
Website: www.dshs.wa.gov
Customer Service Call Center: 1-877-501-2233
City of Seattle – Human Services Dept. Child Care Assistance Program
Eligibility screenings are only available by calling the Seattle Human Services Department’s Child Care Assistance office at 206-386-1050.
Childcare Aware of America - Military Families
For new military families who do not already have a file with the Parent Services Department, please call 1-(800)-424-2246 and select extension 977 (Army) or 340 (Non-Army). Our Provider ID is 9007434.
How can I apply for a LASER scholarship?
Families who meet established income qualifications are eligible for
Scholarships are given on the basis of eligibility and the availability of funds. No scholarships are guaranteed. New applications are required for EACH school year and summer for which you are seeking assistance.
For the application and required documentation needed for the scholarship application, please visit our Scholarship Page.
Miscellaneous Questions
Is LASER Childcare a special needs/education program?
No. At LASER childcare, we believe that all children deserve a chance to be successful in our program; however we are not a special needs/education program. If a child has an IEP, we will need to discuss it with the parents/guardians, as well as with our Supervisory team, before the child may start care. Based on the IEP and what LASER can offer, we need to have a plan in place to assure the safety of all children and staff in our program. While every child will be given the opportunity to be a part of LASER, we can’t offer one on one care for children and still maintain licensing ratio requirements. If something were to happen which would jeopardize the safety of children or LASER staff in the program, or cause undue hardship, we would have no choice but to remove the child from the program immediately. Our goal is to avoid this by implementing strategies that parents/guardians provide to create an opportunity for every child to grow and thrive at LASER Childcare.
Can one of your employees be our nanny or babysit during non-LASER hours?
No. LASER employees are prohibited from performing babysitting, nanny services, or other childcare or services outside the scope of their LASER employment for anyone connected with a LASER family. Such arrangements create conflict of interest and are not in the best interest of the children. Similarly, LASER families are discouraged from including LASER employees in their social networking, including via electronic media.
My child needs to have medication for an allergy or medical condition. I already gave his medication to the school; do I need to give one to you?
Yes. Although we are on school grounds, we are unable to share medication and medication forms with Seattle Public Schools. Please drop off a signed Medical Authorization Form for each medication and the medication in a zip-lock back with your child's name on it before starting care.